Tuna fish.Reportedly,the highest word rate ever paid to a professional author is the fifteen thousand dollars Darryl Zanuck gave American author James Jones for Americanizing a line of dialogue in the film The Longest Day.Jones and his wife,Gloria,were sitting on the beach when they changed the line“I can’t eat that bloody old box of tunny fish”to“I can’t stand this damned old tuna fish.”The chore of deleting two words and changing four came to twenty—five hundred dollars a word.
金枪鱼。据报导,为了把电影《最长的一天》(The Longest Day)中的一行对话美国化,Darryl Zanuck付给美国作家詹姆斯·琼斯15,000美元,创专业作家以词计算的最高稿费的记录。Jones和妻子Gloria坐在海滩上谈话,詹姆斯·琼斯把“I can’t eat that bloody old box of tunny fish”改为“Ican’t stand this damned old tuna fish.”这一改去掉了两个词,改了四个词。这个小小的改动,得到的收益是2,500美元一个词。